So I gave a pretty critical first impression of the game when it first came out, but now I must confess it has started to grow on me a bit. A lot of the game mechanics that many previous Fallout players complained about, me included, have revealed themselves to actually make the game somewhat better. But you have to keep in mind as someone said, this is NOT Fallout 4.5. Fallout 76 is something different.
Hoarding. We were all hoarders in the Fallout's before. Come on, admit it. I've got an entire building in Fallout 4 dedicated to my trophies of legendary weapons, respite with decorative lighting and signage proclaiming my "Weapons Museum" in red neon letters. There's no hoarding in Fallout 76. Use it, or lose it. Yes, it's painful to drop that missile launcher, but it's just bringing you down man. Let it go. Now I will admit, the amount of stuff you could keep in stash was a bit stingy but this week's update helped, and apparently more storage ability is coming. Still, there is no TARDIS-esque infinite storage any more. But really, do you need that .38 pipe revolver when you're above level 5? Reduce everything you don't need to component pieces and throw away or sell the pieces you don't need or have an overabundance of.
Need a break? Get some sleep! I admit, this whole on-line-only no-pause thing had me frustrated for awhile, not being a PvP kind of gamer but it's not a deal breaker. Beds are everywhere and unless you expend a lot of storage space on meds, food and water, you're always in need of health regeneration. So find a bed (in a safe place - they are everywhere) and take a break while your character gets healthy. Any more time needed than the two or three minutes it takes to rejuvenate your health, then you might as well exit the host server. Unless you've claimed a Workstation location, if you don't know what I'm talking about, you will.
Other players. For the most part, everyone is cool in Fallout 76. Sure, you've got your rogue trolls now and then but they'll be dealt with in good time. And for crying out loud, don't shoot someone just because they're in your C.A.M.P. Yes, that's them in your stash box, but they're not taking your stuff. They simply have access to their own stash from ANY stash box, including yours. They cannot take anything from your stash box. So let them use your crafting stations, stash box and maybe you'll make a friend to take on a quest or two. Be cool.
The perk card system. Can't say I'm a big fan, but it is more versatile than in previous games. You can mix and match perk cards at anytime so don't feel you're stuck with what you've got. Change things up if you feel a card isn't doing you any good.
Post your comments on Bethesda's forums. It appears they really are listening and trying to make the game better from player comments.
I think I'm beginning to like it!
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