Wednesday, May 2, 2018

No Spoilers Review: Avengers Infinity War

I was a comic book kid during Marvel's "Bronze Age", which is primarily where the MCU takes most of it's cues for Infinity War, so it was something I was very much looking forward too. I am very pleased to say that it did not disappoint. At all. In any way. And that's a bold statement. I'm pretty good at suspending disbelief during a show so that I can just enjoy it, but typically come back to nitpick afterwards. This movie, relatively speaking for a superhero film, is practically flawless and it's primarily due to the antagonist, Thanos.

The character is probably one of the most approachable antagonists I've ever seen, and it makes the movie. Bad guys are always a tough sell because most defy any notions of empathy from the audience. We all know there are people out there devoid of empathy, or morality, but being evil because they lack this simple quality is, well, quite boring. A good antagonist believes in what they're doing, as much as the protagonist believes in their righteousness. Thanos believes in what he is doing and his reasoning, while ruthless, is hard to deny.

Conversely, our heroes don't so much believe in what they're doing as fulfilling their responsibilities. They are not acting out of righteousness, but out of duty. A compelling motive not often explored on such a scale, but one that makes for a great story when posed with an antagonist such as Thanos. If done right, and this was done right.

The special effects are STATE OF THE ART. No kidding. While Thanos still somewhat suffers from being a complete CGI character, it's not enough to distract and everything else flows seemlessly.  There's almost too much there for the eye to capture, but it is breathtaking. And it goes on for 2 hours and 40 minutes.

The pacing of the movie is fast so there aren't many breaks to get another soda or go to the bathroom,  and certainly don't be late to the movie, things start happening immediately. If you buy that 64oz soda before the show, you better hope your bladder can hold it. You won't want to miss a moment of this movie.

Given there will be a second movie, and the play length of this one, it's easy to imagine that Infinity War could have been broken up into three movies all on it's own. Hats off to Disney for giving the movie goers their money's worth.

In short, if you are a fan of the MCU and haven't seen it yet, you ARE missing out. Go see it. Now. No, really. Take the day off, sneak out at lunch, abandon your dog and just go see it. It's the most engrossing superhero film to date.

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